Disgusting Flat Earth Cultists are Now Drinking Urine

Flat Earthers are now drinking their own urine! This blog is dedicated to exposing flat earthers for the incredibly bizarre and borderline or fully mentally ill people that they are. In our first article, we touched on how Grecia Escanellas is Exploiting Children to Further the Flat Earth Agenda and we’ll be covering more of these insane delusions of persecution they believe in.

patricia steere flat earther drinking own urine
Patricia Steere Flat Earther Advocating Drinking Own Urine. The Quote is Her Actual Words.

These people are so incredibly bizarre that now they are even advocating drinking your own urine! In this video, you can see all these flat earth YouTubers advocating drinking their own urine, and even show one guy filming himself drinking his own urine over and over as he keeps doing it in order to get used to it.

The video includes Patricia Steere, Antonio Subirats and Nathan Oakley. This is not a passing topic they are discussing. This video goes on and on with suggestions on how best to drink your pee and ends on the note by Steere, “Everyone enjoy a pee on me.”  The bizarre cult like behavior gets more insane every time I see something from these people. It is my opinion these people are seriously mentally ill.

**Image credit from Patricia Steere. Use of image claimed under Fair Use Copyright laws.