Flat Earthers are Antisemitic Holocaust Deniers

I’ve been discussing how disgusting flat earthers are, and it just keeps getting more and more disgusting. From Grecia Escanelles and her Child Exploitation, to Flat Earthers Drinking Urine, it’s a dangerous cult that is spreading and  needs to be stopped. Once you get kids involved, it’s no laughing matter any longer.

Not only are they doing those disgusting things, but a large majority of them are anti-semitic and even holocaust deniers. It’s a disturbing trend that needs to be cut off through shunning and mocking and, hopefully, no reasonable employer ever hiring someone with these cult beliefs. Again, here is Grecia Escanellas Viella flaunting her Holocaust denial.

grecia escanelles holocaust denial
Grecia Escanelles Viella Holocaust Denier

Remember, this person is teaching at a day care center for at-risk children. Many people think that flat earth is at worst a joke, and at best just a harmless belief system. But the level of disturbing conspiracy theories required to truly believe the earth is flat borderlines into mental illness. This particular woman constantly explains her belief in flat earth with antisemitic slurs. Their delusion makes them believe that there is a conspiracy to hide the flat earth from them, and they believe the Jews are the culprits.

Flat earth antisemitism
A typical example of Flat earth antisemitism

This is not limited to a few people, but is a typical belief by most flat earthers. They have to believe that someone is at the heart of this conspiracy, and so they simply pick a scapegoat to blame. But it doesn’t stop there, their charismatic cult leader, Eric Dubay, is an avowed Hitler lover. This is not hidden, it’s right out in the open with his article “The Truth About Hitler” which discussed how wonderful Hitler was and how the ‘Jew World Order’ demonized him. Just Google Eric Dubay Hitler and you’ll find hundreds of articles on his connection with Hitler. His cult followers have picked up on this and also seem to love Hitler and are antisemitic. Here’s another example.

Andre Oullette Flat Earther Antisemite
Andre Ouellette Flat Earther Antisemite


Typical Flat Earther Antisemitism
Another Flat Earth Antisemite Proudly Places Sieg Heil on her Facebook profile.

And another who is using Seig Heil as a signature. I just want to drive the point home that this is not just a few kooks in a bunch of jokers. Antisemitism and holocaust denial is a very typical belief in this cult.

flat earth antisemitism and holcaust denial

Again, I want to drive this home with one last person, this is not a couple of kooks, holocaust denial and antisemitism is standard operating procedure for the flat earth cult. This last one is Mary Moon, an astrologer from Nova Scotia who posts little hearts next to Hitler videos she posts on Facebook, and calls the Holocaust the ‘Holohoax’.  Who in hell would get an astrology reading from this disgusting Hitler worshiping conspiracy theorist?

mary moon nova scotia astrologer holocaust denial
Mary Moon Nova Scotia Astrologer Holocaust Denial

Images of Grecia Escanellas, Moni Gutierrez, Mary Moon Nova Scotia astrologer, Paprika Ahmed,  Linney K, and Andre Ouellette courtesy of Facebook, claimed under Fair Use

Flat Earther Using Children to Further Flat Earth Agenda

The world is a globe. This is provably so by anyone who can think and reason. It does look flat at first, because the earth is so incredibly large, but once you look deeper, it is obviously round and has been proven to be round for more than 2000 years. However, a disturbing trend has come about since 2016: people actually truly believing the earth is flat. This is not people joking, and it’s not benign, in my opinion, these people seem to be borderline mentally ill, like we discuss on the pages:

Grecia Escanellas Vilella

This flat earth belief is  a growing cult that is rearing it’s ugly head through people that are starting to intentionally try to brainwash children into this anti-intellectual cult.One of these flat earthers went a step too far and began using her position as a child caregiver to teach children at an ‘at risk’ after school program dedicated to keeping inner city children off the streets through education, and indoctrinating them into this cult and then exploiting them to further this flat earth agenda.

Before I name names, you have to understand the level of delusion the flat earth cult requires. They don’t just believe the earth is flat, but they actually believe there is a giant worldwide conspiracy to hide it from the world. They believe that people have been conspiring since before Galileo, and that every country and every airline pilot, ship’s captain, space agency and satellite and rocket manufacturer is conspiring against them to keep this secret. It’s really a very serious delusion that (in my opinion) borderlines or crosses over into mental illness and paranoid delusions.

Grecia Escanellas, also known as Grecia Escanellas Vilella, who is from Puerto Rico, but lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, a woman whose Facebook page is filled with post after post after post of conspiracy after conspiracy, holocaust denial, anti-vaccination proposals, and invoking a worldwide conspiracy, decided to use her position as a caregiver at a not-for-profit ‘at risk’ after school day care associated with a church to teach children this flat earth agenda and post their videos proclaiming the earth is flat on the internet.

She did not bother to blot out the children’s names and faces, and at the end of the video proudly discusses how easily they were indoctrinated. I actually have the full video with the full names and faces of the children, but will give you this video instead where the critic of Grecia Escanellas blots out the children’s names and faces for their privacy.

Note, at the end of the video, she video’s herself bragging about it, “I’m a teacher. Everybody I tell believes right away.” Then she laughs about it.

We have contacted the day care and notified them of this egregious violation of these childrens’ privacy and, what I consider, to be exploitation for a delusional agenda. Flat earthers are not harmless people who are joking. They are people who very much believe in a millions person government conspiracy involving even millions of non-government employees, including the belief that virtually every person on the internet who disagrees with them is a paid conspirator hiding the truth of the flat earth from them.

Grecia Escanellas Vilella
Grecia Escanellas Vilella. Those are her own words from the video.

Unfortunately for us, the numbers in this cult are growing, and their tactics are getting more and more bold, as they do Facebook groups targeting child care givers and encouraging families to do ‘activism’ such as to vandalize property in order to  get the flat earth agenda out and writing children’s books. The next time you hear about someone believing in the flat earth, remember this article. Instead of laughing, you should get a chill up your spine. This is a serious and growing cult that has frightening beliefs that they are passing onto the next generation.

I’ll leave you with  just one example of the views Grecia Escenellas is posting on Facebook: Holocaust denial, which is a typical belief of many flat earthers as I mention on the page  Flat Earthers are Antisemitic Holocaust Deniers where I show that this belief is not one or two bizarre people, but is a trend whereby those who believe the earth is flat generally believe in these other conspiracies. Essentially, if it’s a conspiracy, they believe it, no matter how crazy it sounds and how little (or no) evidence they have for it. Beware of these people who, I believe, may be borderline mentally ill.

grecia escanelles holocaust denial
Image credit to Grecia Escanellas Viella under Fair Use Copyright laws